SamPOS Express

Supplier Interface

Franchise Version

Reseller Promotions

Each week, major grocery suppliers release informational updates containing

-           -  Various changes to stock items including RRP and wholesale cost
  Details on upcoming promotions
  Details on upcoming specials
 Details on upcoming deals

      SamPOS Supplier Interface allows you to do the following in the quickest and easiest possible manner.

-Browse, find and examine host products .
-Add new items to SamPOS .
-Align selected item costs and/or RRP pricing to SamPOS.
-Queue new Promotions into SamPOS specials.
-Output Price Change and Specials Labels for Printing.
-Browse through past price changes, Specials and Promotions
as required.

Manual and fully functional 21 day version available here

Easy to read maunal

Suppler Interface

NOTE: This is the full commercial version.
It will need to be registered after 21 days


Those weekly procedures can even be
reduced to this one-button operation







Some screen shots. . .


Main Menu

Browsing the Host file (note the SamPOS Items in green)













Reviewing Specials (note the SamPOS Items in green)



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